Warehouse for business

Starting your own business? Or decided to optimize the existing business model? Then, not least, you need to think about the warehouse for your business. In order to gain advantages over customers, it’s important to minimize costs and make the most efficient use of resources, including storage facilities.
In general, it doesn’t matter what for you use the room, mini-warehouse or storage for goods in large quantities. Beneficial usage with a minimum of costs is the most important. This is exactly what UniBox offers you.
We will provide you exactly the kind of the space that you need excluding unnecessary options and accordingly without unnecessary financial costs.
Our advantages:
- You choose the size of the warehouse yourself;
- At any time you can increase or decrease the size of the rented storage unit;
- Twenty-four-hour availability;
- Your property is under 24-hour video surveillance;
- You can place an order directly on our website.
Order our storage unit if you are:
- Online store;
- Logistic company;
- Needing a space for the archive, storage of goods;
- Needing a temporary storage;
- Wanting to combine the warehouse and the mini-office;
- Wanting a warehouse for your own purposes.